
Monday, April 23, 2012

Sometimes I Forget . . .

How beautiful our property is. I really should go outside more.

I've been really busy the last few days, but this evening it was so pleasant I decided I better go for a walk. After about five minutes, I had to go inside and get my camera.

I don't know what this stuff is called but it smells like heaven. For about the last twelve miles of our ride home it is everywhere. The whole countryside is full of its scent.

This is a path that links the part of the field that is around our house with another field further out. The guy we bought the house from cut three acres out of the original property because he thought he could sell it to our neighbors and make more money, but there it sits. I was really surprised when I went back there today. Last year the temperatures in the spring went from the 40s to the 90s very quickly. We had no spring and a hot, hot summer, so I never walked back this way. The trees on the right line a ditch and have always been there. Five years ago, there was a field on the left. Two years ago, the trees were about as tall as I am. Now its like walking on a path through the woods.

This is a path that leads away from our house. I like to think that I will spend more time outside this year, but we'll see.

I have parts of two posts sitting here waiting to be finished. I hope I get to write more about them soon.



  1. How beautiful! I am awfully, awfully jealous. It's the sort of place I dream about.

    Our yard is about 8 ft x 10 ft in the front, and little bigger in the back. We have two trees, one of which is apparently actually city property.

    On the other hand, we are blessed with an abundance of crumbling concrete.

  2. Thank you. That's about the size of the yard in the duplex where we lived when we had been married as long as you have. It would have been nice to have all this land when my children were at home, but by the time we got it, the youngest was 12 and the others were out on their own. Still, my oldest granddaughter has really enjoyed it and the younger ones are getting to be old enough to run around there.

    Since it's out in the country, it was very inexpensive and the 116 year old house is not in the best condition, having been home to many happy and well-fed termites over the years. We kicked them out, but they have left their mark, so it's nice to remember that it's so lovely outside when I'm sitting in the living room worrying that the beam that holds up the bathroom will give way before we get the money to fix it.


  3. Yikes, termites. That is worrisome. We had ants infesting our back porch, but we replaced the whole thing and it seems to have solved the problem. You can't exactly replace your house though, can you?

    An old house! Ours was built sometime between 1903 and 1912, so it is also old, but not quite as old as yours. I imagine your house must creak a lot.

  4. I can attest to the beauty of Janet and Bill's property -- I always get land envy when I visit (and then I fall asleep in the rocking chair after dinner).

  5. I'm thinking about embroidering your name on the back of the chair--or maybe a plaque in the corner, "Sally Thomas slept here."

