Friday, October 11, 2013

Jigetty Jig

Yesterday morning on the way to work, there was thick fog along the road: fog in the fields, fog in the swamp, even fog on the expressway. Today, there were lumps of cotton all alongside the roadway. Now I know I'm back home for sure.

We moved back into our house a week ago yesterday, Thursday, the 3rd. I didn't really have time to write anything then because we were so overwhelmed with all we had to do, plus my daughter and her friend were going to come to visit the next day, and we had to have the bedrooms put together. There are still some boxes of books to dust and put on the shelves (the wrong shelves--I don't know when I can get them back where they belong.); there are some problems with the gas line; the porch and yard look like a cross between a construction site and a slum; there's a lot of dusting and arranging still to do; but by and large we are settled in.

For a while, I had an absolute dread of going home. The house was really dreadful. There were sheets of white plastic hanging everywhere that didn't seem to protect anything, but made everything seem alien and hostile. My things were piled up and mistreated. The large kitchen was completely filled with boxes stacked two deep. We could barely forge a path to the  (only) bathroom. I felt like the house was actively hostile. 

Now, everything is peaceful and it feels like my home again. It looks so very much better than it ever has before that while the thought of the work to be done exhausts me, I am very grateful. I had gotten so used to living in the condo (almost 3 months), and it was such an easy life, that I was worried that I would miss it, but already those months seem to be rapidly receding into to the murky recesses of my memory.

So, thank you for your prayers.

I'll post some pictures when things look a bit more finished.



  1. Hi Janet. I'm very glad you're back home and I really hate to think how awful it must have been for you while your home was so uninviting and things were mistreated. But I'm very glad you are getting settled in again and I hope all the bits and pieces still needing work will be easy to fix up. God bless!

  2. So glad for the peace. So glad to have the blog again. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. I'd forgotten how much I like to get comments.


  4. Just yesterday I was thinking about your blog and wishing it were still active, and now, yay!

    By the way, that barely being able to "forge a path to the (only) bathroom" alone would have done it for me. ;-)

  5. Welcome home, Janet. I'm very glad to hear that you're back and burrowed in. Has it really been three months?!

  6. Thanks to you all. It's nice to see you all. Thanks especially to you, Marianne. That's very nice, but I'm not sure there will be much more around here for a while except some pictures.

    Yes, Craig, it was 90 days. Had it happened in January, it would have been 3 months exactly, but since it was in July, we were 2 days short.

    When we moved in the house twelve years ago, there were nails in the walls everywhere and we just stuck our pictures on them. Now there are no nails anywhere, and I can't bring myself to start making holes in the walls.


  7. Is it already 12 years ago you moved in there? Time does fly. Glad to hear you're back and the house is repaired and inhabitable again. Also: what Mary said.

  8. I keep trying to find where I mentioned that we had been here 12 years, but can't. But yes, it will be 12 years on October 27. It's quite amazing when I think that Becca wasn't even in high school yet, and now she's been out of college for 3 years.


  9. Comment immediately before mine: When we moved in the house twelve years ago, there were nails in the walls everywhere and we just stuck our pictures on them.

  10. Aha! I forgot the comment.

