Monday, January 9, 2017


I meant to write about something very profound and powerful tonight that probably would have changed your life forever for the better, but somehow that didn't work out.

Every year when I come home from Christmas Mass, I take the Advent candles out of the wreath and replace them with white candles and we light them when we say our prayers during the Christmas season.

In the mornings when I am doing what I ought to be doing, I walk around the perimeter of three rooms in my house while I pray the Rosary. Today being the feast of The Baptism of the Lord, and there being quite a bit of candle left, I thought I would light the candles while I walked and prayed. So, the longest I am out of sight of the candles is maybe 30 seconds.

It's really amazing what a nice little fire you can get going in 30 seconds. 

Then earlier this evening I flushed the toilet and it made a sound, which if you heard it on X-Files, you would know for sure that something was about to leap out of that toilet and either eat your liver or inject some sort of venom into you that would make you become like unto itself. And the sound wouldn't stop for maybe 5 minutes and then the flowing of water ceased to be something that occurred in my house.

So, now I am in a hotel where everything seems to work, but I have been made to face, once again, a question that has puzzled me for years whenever I've stayed in a hotel, which is why?

I may have asked this question here before, but if I have it has been more than a year ago, and nobody gave me the answer.

The first time I saw this phenomenon, I was staying in a hotel room with three other women, and I thought it was so bizarre that I decided to fold the paper this way every time I went in the bathroom. And I did. And I waited for someone to comment on it, and nobody did, and nobody has ever mentioned it to this day. I have to wonder if they noticed--how could they not--and what they were thinking.



  1. A great opening line...

    So sorry to hear about your water problem. As I think you know, our furnace conked out over Christmas, and it took 3 days to fix it. We almost, but not quite, were forced to take refuge in a hotel. Especially since the glass in our front door is falling out and the wind blows through.

    Did I mention that the kids have lice?

    Life, it sometimes seems, is one thing after another.

    1. Glad to hear you are warm again!

      I remember the lice days. That is one thing I don't miss. You have my sympathy.

      It is, but some of the things are good. My water is working. Now Bill just has to reassemble the water heater.


  2. New to your blog and really enjoying it. I love these 3 prayers and the book The Scent of Water I read for the first time at age 19 in 1996 and it was one of the most life-changing wonderful books I have read; I talked about it for weeks if not months. I love Elizabeth Goudge and am slowly collecting her books! Just got _The Ikon on the Wall_ by here used for Christmas. God bless you!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Elizabeth. Your blogs look lovely. I'm looking forward to having some time to read more.


  3. I always assumed that the folded toilet paper was to indicate that since the time that the bathroom had been cleaned no one had used it.
