Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I'm pretty busy going back and forth to work and the hospital, so I thought I'd post a few pictures of some clouds I saw a couple of weeks ago. Of course, the pictures are woefully inadequate to show what I really saw, but they are kind of nice. This is a two-lane country road, but thank goodness they have built an extra lane in front of a housing development that got started, but stopped cold when the bottom fell out of the housing market. This made it possible for me to pull over and walk up and down the road taking pictures without risking my life--not that I haven't risked my life to take pictures for you before, but it's nice not to have to. Remember to click on them once to enlarge them. They look much better, I think.

I love the moon in this one. I didn't even realize it was there until I'd taken the picture.

I wish I could describe the way these clouds look. The big one on the right, just over the horizon, was glowing with a turquoise light.

Before I got to the country road, when I was still on the expressway, there was a full double rainbow running parallel to the road. The lower rainbow was one of the brightest I've ever seen. Sorry I was to big of wimp to take a picture. If it had been in front of the car, I might have done it, but on the side, it looked to risky.



  1. Very nice. I think I like the second one best, probably because of the headlights on the wet road. I've always liked those white board fences.

  2. I like them too, but I would hate to have to take care of one. I remember that the first time I drove through Kentucky, where they have so many of those fences, they were all painted white. When I went back several years later, they were all black. I suppose black is easier to keep up, but I still miss the white.

    One thing that was nice about the day I took the pictures was that the air was very exhilarating, the way it is before a storm.


  3. Impressive photos, but knowing how clouds turn out on my photos I imagine that the real sight must have been far more impressive.

  4. Thanks. It's so discouraging to take pictures of the sky sometimes that I just don't try, but I think these turned out pretty well.


  5. These are amazing. I love the headlights one. And you should know that I'm combing your blog to see if you've got a photo I could use for my book cover (with your permission, of course). You shoot the kind of images I'd like to have . . .
