Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dwell on These Things ~ Third Tuesday of Advent

A few pictures from my weekend.

Where I was. I spent most of my time when I wasn't walking around on that screened-in porch. You can see a larger version of the pictures if you click on one. Just click once.

The view from inside the porch.

When I came back to the hermitage after walking Saturday afternoon, it was very noisy. Both the sky and this tree were filled with starlings. Miraculously, I managed to take five pictures in which there are no birds. I did get a few here.

I really like these. They were growing all around the Stations of the Cross. 

I'll post some more colorful stuff in a couple of days.

If you want to see all of the posts in this series, click HERE.



  1. I am so glad you did this. Eager to hear more.

  2. It looks like a very nice place. A real hermitage (attached to a religious community, for instance), or just a rustic cabin in the woods? I guess if there were Stations it must have been at least near a church.

  3. It's an Episcopal Retreat Center. They have two hermitages like this in an area where everyone is supposed to keep silence.

