Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I am sitting at my own computer in my own house. There is electricity. There is a roof, but no shingles. The shingles get put on tomorrow.  The carpet smells kind of musty, but not very bad at all, and it will be leaving soon, so that's okay. My books seem to smell fine. I am excited. I almost believe that one day I can live here again. I can't wait until Saturday when I can come and clean things. Boy is my keyboard dusty!

When you have a well, no electricity = no water. Now there's water.  I can flush the toilet!! I can turn on the AC, but strangely enough for July in Mississippi, it's not hot.

I can weigh on my scales. I have lost four pounds since the roof got clobbered!

The reason I am down here is that I was supposed to have a root canal today. Now they think I probably don't need one.

All-in-all, this is a great day.

I love my house.



  1. To have all that good stuff capped off with the absence of a root canal: wonderful.

    1. Well, there seems to be some sort of painful mystery problem so I wouldn't say no to any prayers that came my way.


  2. Glad to hear you are nearly back home. Grumpy

  3. I am so glad to hear that you're home again! Fridge corn and all. I am sure you have your work cut out for you, but at least you've got your ground beneath your feet again.

  4. Oh no. Not home. I was just checking on things last week, ans here cleaning now.


  5. I just notice this this morning, and I'm thinking that if I had realized the day I wrote it that it would be October 3 before I moved home, I would not have been very happy.

    Still, it all turned out well.

