Thursday, March 14, 2013

Surgery Today, etc.

I'm going to have surgery on my right eye this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. CDT. I would appreciate any prayers that come my way. Also, please pray for Clare Kay, who is 1 year old, and who is having a small tumor removed from her face today.

As you can probably see with your own two eyes, I have replaced the prayer for the conclave with a prayer for the Holy Father. I think we should especially pray for protection from those who would try to destroy him in an effort to destroy the Church. They can't succeed in that, of course, but they can do some damage, and so we pray.

I didn't share this new prayer on Google+, so my career as a blog rock star should be at an end. I had more pageviews of that prayer in a day than I usually have of everything in several. It's nice to have concrete evidence of how much everyone was praying. If you happen to be someone who stopped by to read the prayer, I'm glad you did and I hope you'll continue to visit.

I'm going to try to put up some pilgrimage pictures for tomorrow, but I don't know if I'll have time before I go, and if I don't, I won't have access to a computer until at least tomorrow afternoon. Also, I don't know if I will be able to look up at the computer for a bit, so we will see--even if it's only out of one eye for a bit.



  1. Janet reports (I think via email via phone) that she's ok. Her vision will be impaired for a few days and she doesn't have computer access at the moment.
