Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Shoot Shall Spring Up

Today, while I was getting out the rest of my Nativity figures, I found this book, which I bought several years ago and promptly forgot. The Jesse tree is based on Isaiah 11:1, "A shoot shall spring up from the stump of Jesse [King David's father]; from his root a Branch shall bear fruit," and a legend that Jesse had a dream in which he saw all of salvation history.

It is modeled after the Jesse Tree Window in Chartres Cathedral.

This is only part of the window, but it's hard to get a picture that shows the whole thing, and still allows you to see the detail.  This panoramic picture gives the best view of the individual images. You can click to enlarge it, and then scan up and down the window.

The book has 24 pictures which you color and attach to a large piece of paper.

As you can see, there is a paragraph about each of the pictures to read before you
attach it to the mural.

In the end, you get a mural like the one on the cover of the book, except much longer.

You could do one a day, or several each day, especially if you have more than one child involved.

Sad to say, this book is no longer in print, and I almost feel bad about posting about it, but it seems that given the availability of images online you could probably come up with you own--maybe not this year, but there will be lots more Christmases.



  1. What a joyful project! I have a short attention span with coloring, but imagine the feeling of peace when the project is done.

  2. I see that you haven't colored in your book... but it occurs to me that you could photocopy pages to make a similar book for your grandchildren -- or adults who like coloring! ;-)

    I am like Pom Pom, I don't have the patience for coloring, except that there are times when it's what someone else wants to do, and I want to be with them. And usually I don't finish my page before they are done and move on. So, not satisfying.

    I know little about Chartres Cathedral and love seeing just that little photo you shared. Thank you!!

    1. What I would really like to do but never will, is copy it onto tracing paper, and color it in and hang it on a big window. But I don't have a big window, and I always seem busy. I was thinking when I read your blog this morning that you would think that when you get to the point where you have no children at home and no job, you wouldn't always be busy. But, you are.

